Fall 2023 Boot Packer Meeting

Greetings Boot Packers,

We will have an informal meeting for all current and future boot packers on Thursday November 2, 2023 in the Plaza at the base of Aspen Highlands at 3 pm to 5 pm.

The boot packing program will run the same as last year. This meeting is primarily for people who have not boot packed before, and want to learn how it all works. We will give an overview of the program and be available to answer any specific questions.

Signing up for the program is all online (click on the BOOTPACKING tab above). The waivers are also online.

Returning boot packers are certainly welcome to attend. It is always great to gather as we get ready for another season of boot packing, you will be able to offer a different perspective to the aspiring boot packers.

As the returning bootpackers all know, the exact start date of bootpacking is yet to be determined. It always depends on the snow. We have had two storms so far this month and another storm is expected next week. There is currently about ten inches of snow in the Northwoods study plot. We need more snow in order to start bootpacking but we are getting close.

We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday November 2, 2023 in the Plaza at the base of Highlands. We will post on this website when we have the exact start date for bootpacking. So stay tuned and check back when it snows again.


Aspen Highlands Snow Safety Department

Boot packing 2023-24

Greetings Boot packers,

It is mid-September and we are beginning to make plans for the boot packing program this season. The boot packing program will operate in a similar manner as it has for many years. Hopefully, the snow will arrive in a timely manner and we will be able to start boot packing in early November.

Please click on the bootpacking tab at the top of this page on the highlandspatrol.com website and sign up for boot packing this season. The basic information about our boot packing program is available on that bootpacking page. We will most likely schedule our annual organizational boot packer meeting for the third week in October. We will be able to answer any and all questions about bootpacking at the meeting. We will e-mail everyone who has signed up, once the details for the meeting have been finalized.

Thank you for your interest in the Aspen Highlands boot packing program. We look forward to seeing you soon.

The Inferno Returns!!

Get ready for the greatest race in the Roaring Fork Valley– The Inferno race at Aspen Highlands returns Saturday April 8th, 2023 at 10:00am. You can register for the race HERE. Bring your heavy metal skis and leave the sausage suits at home! A BBQ and beverages will be provided on the PHQ deck following the race.

Early registration is preferred and payable via Credit Card or Venmo. Signed waivers for each entrant must be on hand to participate in the race. Waivers are available at Highlands Guest Services in the Base Area or can be completed day of the race. Direct any questions to 970-544-3082 or highlandspatrol@gmail.com. See ya there!!

Enhanced voucher offerings for Boot Packers

Greetings Boot Packers,

We were happy to announce more choices and benefits for boot packers at our annual boot packer meeting last week.

New this season, boot packers may choose to receive daily lift tickets instead of a season pass. Each boot packing day is worth one lift ticket. Boot packers can earn a maximum of ten transferable lift tickets.

Boot packers that volunteer 15 days are offered a Premier Pass.

New this season, Premier Passes offered to boot packers  have all of the same Premier Benefits as a regular Premier Pass. 

Premier Benefits include an Ikon Base Pass, friends and family vouchers, discounts on lessons and rentals, and more.

Also new this season, boot packing days are transferable to family and friends. Boot packers may assign their voucher credit to family and friends.

We hope to attract more boot packers with these new offerings. New this season, there is no longer a minimum number of boot packing days required in order to qualify for voucher credit. Boot packers earn voucher credit from their first day of boot packing.

Tell all your friends about the new choices. We hope to see everyone soon.

Let it Snow,


Boot Packer Meeting and Social Gathering

When:  Thursday October 20, 2022

Location:  The Plaza at the base of Aspen Highlands                                                                  

Time:  4:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Greetings Boot Packers,

It is time to get ready for the 2022-23 boot packing season.

 We have scheduled a Social Gathering in the Plaza at the base of Aspen Highlands in combination with of our annual boot packer meeting.  Food and drinks will be provided courtesy of the Aspen Highlands Ski Patrol.  We will explain the boot packing program and be available to answer questions.

 If you are interested in boot packing this season, please visit the highlandspatrol.com website and click on the “bootpacking” tab to sign up for the 2022-23 boot packer list.

If you have boot packed in the past, you are not required to attend the event, but you are more than welcome to join us.

The waivers and releases will be completed online following a process similar to last year.  Details will be provided at a later date.

Tell all your friends about the boot packing program and the party.

 We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday October 20, 2022.